Saturday, 13 October 2012


Have you heard this song yet? Even though it is very funny it has a special message.
Songs have the power to deliver messages and change our way of thinking. Have you ever listened to the lyrics of a song and been reminded of a memory in the past? Or perhaps a song has stirred up an emotion inside of you?

If you were to create a list of your favourite songs of all time, what songs would definitely be on your list?


  1. I LOVE that song!!!!!!!!!!
    by izzy

  2. I love flight of the concords

  3. If I were to choose my top 3 songs they would be: 1.Gangam Style, 2.Boom Boom

    3.Good Feeling

    P.S. That song (Feel inside) is awesome, especially the tune.

  4. I agree Ali, the tune is great. We will be using this song for a special task in class very soon...

  5. Awesome song.I love the lyrics.This song is hilarious and its
    good because there are different artist
    not just the Flight of the concords.

  6. I think this is the coolest song in the world.

  7. Feel Inside is a great song because they didn't write it by themselves - the kids helped them write it, and many other different singers took parts in each of the song. It's like a bunch of superheroes coming together!!!!! To fight EVIL!!!!!!!!!!

  8. this is the best charity song i have ever heard
